miniNO Paper published in Medicine/Sciences identifying minipuberty as a critical period for brain development

miniNO Paper published in Medicine/Sciences identifying minipuberty as a critical period for brain development

miniNO Paper published in Medicine/Sciences identifying minipuberty as a critical period for brain development 150 150 miniNO

Following the publication of the articles in the journals “Science Translational Medicine” and “Free Radical Biology and Medicine”, a new publication of the miniNO partners in the journal “Medicine/Science”, comes to highlight once more minipuberty as a critical period for brain development.

Minipuberty: A critical period for brain functional development

Konstantina Chachlaki 1,2, Kevin Le Duc 2,3, Laurent Storme 2,3, Vincent Prévot 1,2

médecine/sciences 2023 ; 39 : 697-721

Publication available here :

1 Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, laboratoire du développement et de la plasticité du cerveau neuroendocrine, Lille Neuroscience et cognition, UMR_S1172, Lille, France
2 Fédérations hospitalo-universitaires (FHU) « 1 000 Premiers jours de vie », Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU de Lille, Lille, France
3 Département de néonatalogie, hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, CHU de Lille, Lille, France